This is where a good tape measurement shot comes in handy, deciding a winner for March was tough. Lots of nice fish were caught, and I was able to narrow it down to 3 photos.
I have decided to call this one a 3-way tie... I will send each of you a little something for your support, and the constant photos you are always sending me. Thank you to everyone who submited photos, there were other fish caught including corvina, halibut and baracuda this month, just not quite big enough to take on these chunky bass.
For April and May, there will be a seperate contest for silver fish. This includes bonito, baracuda, corvina, corbina, croaker, bonefish, mullet, and yes, even mackeral. This doesnt mean a seperate contest for each species, just silver fish in general. The bait must be visible in the photo as always, and tape measurements in the photos are encouraged, but not required. I will be waiting for your photos ;)
Another contest in April? Sure.....
I wanna see some largemouth bass photos for those of you who use any T&C Lures baits in the freshwater! 1st one over 12" with a taped shot and visible bait posted on our facebook page will be rewarded with a special package. The fish must be caught this month, no posting old pics lol.
Also, from June through the end of August there will be a seperate photo contest for legal halibut. For this contest, a tape measurement shot and visible bait in the photo are required to qualify.
Now, a little bit of news. I would say 70% of the photos I received this month had the razor clam in it. I will update the color chart tomorrow. From the reports I have been getting, and from the ones I have been seeing, the bass bite has slowed down a bit but the ones being caught are at least decent. Corvina and baracuda are roamin around all over right now munchin on the grunion and smelt. Im expecting to see a few reports involving them this month. Halibut should also start to bite more as well.
If any of you might know someone who understands 3D cad/cam software and knows how to use a cnc machine, please contact me at tclures@hotmail.com. I have some projects I am trying to have finished but I am at a stand still. I would much rather have my creations cut from a mill instead of having deformities in my hand crafting.
Dont forget about the bait sale this week, $1 off each package.