Just a heads up: I've switched eye styles to a silver cat's eye for now. I think they look really cool. Eventually I plan on offerering several different colors and styles of eyes so you can customize your leadhead but for now they are all going to have this eye.
Also pictured is one with a weedguard. Kevin actually posted these for sale but I don't really want to sell them with a weedguard until I have them dialed in in regards to the fiber thickness, length and durability.
The weedless jigheads are really my ultimate goal, though. I was having incredible success using the 1/4 oz strike king bitsy bug jigs with the skirts taken off. They really let you get in the eelgrass. However, I didn't care for the hooks, head shape or how easily the eyes fell off. So that's when I really decided that I could make a better product. I actually plan on making two different versions of the weedless jigheads: one will have a light weedguard for the bay and then I also want to make one with a stiffer weedguard for the heavy kelp. And, of course, I also want to have different fiber colors available besides just clear.