We were out on the big bay yesterday and absolutely killed em out there, finished up with like 40+ to the boat all on big hammer swim-baits and (mostly were caught) on those magical little things you call swim-grubs.
Check out these pics, we caught spotties and sandies and calicos, all on razor clam / aqua marine.
My brother caught the biggest spottie of his life (the biggest spottie i've ever seen) on the aqua marine, this thing had to be close to 5lbs.. The spottie in my SDfish avatar went 4.2 on a scale... Compare this one in my brothers picture (2nd and 3rd pic attached) to mine on sdfish.
I kid you not, this thing had to have been pushing 5lbs... biggest spottie my brother, kody or i have ever seen. I dont know how much of a saltwater bass fisherman you are, but when you tell someone you caught a 5lb spotted bay bass, they think your full of B.S. but i'll stand by my claim, no fish stories or exaggerations, this thing was HUGE!
Also attached are two pictures of two separate double hook-ups on the grubs, i personally love picture 4, two different species, same bait style, gotta love it.
Thanks for making such an amazing product bro,
P.S. i'll be needing to buy some more soon :D
P.S.S. : Just a recomendation.... I think you might need to make a less durable product or charge more for it haha... my brother landed like 10 fish on his same razor clam before he had to change it (where as a big hammer swimbait can survive about four-five fish) . Kudos again for an amazing product.