I have been wanting to have a get together for some fishing for quite some time now. A while back while experimenting with some colors, I thought of having a contest using only all pink swimgrubs. Then I figured what better title for it than Bassin' for Breast Cancer! Now that more people are aware of T&C Lures, I think its time we get this thing going. This contest will be at Harbor Island off the rocks on either October 6th, or October 20th from 7am - 11am, and the person with the biggest fish will be rewarded with 2 dozen swimgrubs of their choice. I will also be giving out prizes for any legal halibut caught with the pink (cotton candy pepper)swimgrubs. On top of that I will be giving away free sample packs of T&C swimgrubs(while supplies last)for those who want to try them out. The price for the pink baits are only $1 for 3 baits(6 baits maximum per person).
Please check back to THIS POST for an update on the actual date of event in about a week or so.
I would like to get an idea of how many people would like to sign up for this event so please email me at tclures@hotmail.com, and please use "BBC" as your subject. Please email me if you have any questions or suggestions :) Thanks everyone!