T&C welcome.
Welcome to the T&C Lures blog! We are a small company out of San Diego, CA that's just starting out. Read on and learn more about T&C and our awesome hand poured plastic baits such as the Swim Grub! In the main page of our blog we will be posting updates on new products, new colors, and plenty of fishing reports from both us and our fans. Also check us out on Facebook.
Thursday, September 30, 2010
Last day for this months photo contest!
By midnight tonight we will have our second photo contest winner. Please send in your photos to be entered :) tclures@hotmail.com
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
Meet the new T&C colors part 2.
Here's the rest of the new colors:



Xmas Oil

Sun Glo


Circus Shad

And that brings our color total to 18!
Xmas Oil
Sun Glo
Circus Shad
And that brings our color total to 18!
Monday, September 27, 2010
Meet the new T&C colors.
I'll have 4 of the new colors up tonight and the rest of them tomorrow.
Here's the first four.



Cotton Candy Pepper
Here's the first four.
Cotton Candy Pepper
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
UPDATE!!! Bassin' for breast cancer!

The date is set for October 6th from 7am-10am at Harbor Island at the parking lot across from the Hilton Hotel. $5 will cover your cotton candy pepper swimgrubs(5) and donation to the breast cancer society. All fish caught will be measured and photographed, and released. Any fish that is kept will not qualify for prizes. The person who catches the biggest bass(spotted bay bass, sand bass, or calico bass) will recieve 2 dozen swimgrubs of their choice. Anyone who catches a legal halibut will also be rewarded with one dozen swimgrubs of their choice. This will be a fun little contest to get some people together and fish. I will also be handing out some sample swimgrubs for those who attend. Check in will be in front of the restrooms at the benches at 7am. If you arrive late just look for the guy wearing the T&C Lures shirt/hat. I will go over boundaries and rules at time of check in. Email me at tclures@hotmail.com with any questions you may have.
Monday, September 20, 2010
Sunday, September 19, 2010
WFO cudas and bonito

The last week has been pretty good fishing the swimgrubs. Plenty of bass and halibut caught between me and my wife. Today was phenominal at the normal spot, barracuda and bonito flying out of the water every few seconds. I managed quite a few but I only took one pic since they werent so big. But they are out there! Get some-
Thursday, September 16, 2010
How to fish the swimgrubs-- what works for me
I get asked all the time whats the best way to fish the swimgrubs. So I just thought I would throw it up here to read for those who are interested....
First of all, I like to use 1/4 ounce hammerheads on my baits. Im a big fan of the lightwire short shank heads. I will use as much as 3/8 when its really windy or when there is a lot of current. Football heads seem to work pretty good when these baits are fished slowly also.
I personally have the most success fishing the swimgrubs very slowly. I dont even give the bait too much life, unless I havent gotten a bite in about 5 minutes of trying. 99% of the time I dont engage the reel until by bait hits the bottom. There are those occassions where I see a spike in my line, and it starts to backlash(means a fish is taking off with your bait) then I engage. But for the most part I am always on the bottom. If the fish dont want the straight retrieve, I will give it a rod tip raise to the 12 o'clock position and let it sink back down, or a couple twitches, wiggles, quick handle turns then pause, anything to see if it will trigger a bite. But the slow nonstop turn of the handle has been the best producer for me. When I hit a spot and throw my first cast out there, its always straight ahead. Once I see what the current is doing then I start my casting pattern. Now this is very elementary, most of you know the fish face the current most the time. I start my pattern casting uphill and working the bait back down. My next cast is a little less uphill, and so on and so forth. Once I am working against the current, usually about 5 casts, I will move to another spot if I havent gotten bit. I like to move about 50 yards whichever way the current is going, and then start it all over. After the second spot hasnt produced anything I will try a different pattern. Or sometimes I will stick to the same spot and try a different pattern, restarting my casting routine. As far as the patterns go, I have some that resemble actual foods fish key in on, and I also have patterns that look nothing like any type of fish food. But they all work. Not only do they all work, it doesnt matter what color head you use. I had a session last week with an all white bait and a dark head, and was pulling on plenty of fish. What does that resemble? Nothing. The fish were in the mood. I bet if I stuck a gummy worm on a darterhead it would get bit. If the fish are hungry, they will eat. Or if you piss them off they will attack. I do have my favorite patterns, and I have my top selling patterns. Ironically, they happen to be exactly the same. The ghost shrimp, aquamarine, and black widow patterns have produced the most, and the biggest fish so far, and those are the ones I cant seem to make enough of. This week the ivory pattern has been catching the majority of the fish.
Im not so much a believer in bait scent, I dont like using it. I catch almost all of my fish without scent. I do include a bait scent to cover up the odor of the plastisol, and it seems to work just fine. The one scent I will use when I am in the mood is hot sauce, made by Edge Products. Its the only scent I have seen a definite difference in getting fish to bite. I cant say I catch more fish, but after trying all sorts of scents, the hot sauce was the only one that I would ever consider buying(if I had to).
I fish two different ways. I either palm the reel with my rod parallel to the water giving the line just a little slack, or I am holding the line with my hand above the reel with absolutely no slack in the line(more for pressure bite sensing). You definitely get bit way more than you think you do, and you dont know until you actually feel it with the line in between your fingers. I aquired this technique from Mike Gardner(author of "Fish Have No Hands") and once I started fishing this way I couldnt believe how many times I felt bites. I log all my fishing outings and I can tell you that from this time last year til now, my catch has went up 350%!! No joke.. I used to be happy with 2-3 fish per session. Now I laugh at it. When the fish are biting, I will palm the reel. When they are finicky, I use Mikes method.
I might not be a professional fisherman who has been doing this since I could walk, but from what I have learned in the last 3 years, putting it all together and spending plenty of time on the water has rewarded me with much better numbers, or at least action regardless of the numbers. I welcome everyone to try some swimgrubs, and to try fishing them the same way I do.
First of all, I like to use 1/4 ounce hammerheads on my baits. Im a big fan of the lightwire short shank heads. I will use as much as 3/8 when its really windy or when there is a lot of current. Football heads seem to work pretty good when these baits are fished slowly also.
I personally have the most success fishing the swimgrubs very slowly. I dont even give the bait too much life, unless I havent gotten a bite in about 5 minutes of trying. 99% of the time I dont engage the reel until by bait hits the bottom. There are those occassions where I see a spike in my line, and it starts to backlash(means a fish is taking off with your bait) then I engage. But for the most part I am always on the bottom. If the fish dont want the straight retrieve, I will give it a rod tip raise to the 12 o'clock position and let it sink back down, or a couple twitches, wiggles, quick handle turns then pause, anything to see if it will trigger a bite. But the slow nonstop turn of the handle has been the best producer for me. When I hit a spot and throw my first cast out there, its always straight ahead. Once I see what the current is doing then I start my casting pattern. Now this is very elementary, most of you know the fish face the current most the time. I start my pattern casting uphill and working the bait back down. My next cast is a little less uphill, and so on and so forth. Once I am working against the current, usually about 5 casts, I will move to another spot if I havent gotten bit. I like to move about 50 yards whichever way the current is going, and then start it all over. After the second spot hasnt produced anything I will try a different pattern. Or sometimes I will stick to the same spot and try a different pattern, restarting my casting routine. As far as the patterns go, I have some that resemble actual foods fish key in on, and I also have patterns that look nothing like any type of fish food. But they all work. Not only do they all work, it doesnt matter what color head you use. I had a session last week with an all white bait and a dark head, and was pulling on plenty of fish. What does that resemble? Nothing. The fish were in the mood. I bet if I stuck a gummy worm on a darterhead it would get bit. If the fish are hungry, they will eat. Or if you piss them off they will attack. I do have my favorite patterns, and I have my top selling patterns. Ironically, they happen to be exactly the same. The ghost shrimp, aquamarine, and black widow patterns have produced the most, and the biggest fish so far, and those are the ones I cant seem to make enough of. This week the ivory pattern has been catching the majority of the fish.
Im not so much a believer in bait scent, I dont like using it. I catch almost all of my fish without scent. I do include a bait scent to cover up the odor of the plastisol, and it seems to work just fine. The one scent I will use when I am in the mood is hot sauce, made by Edge Products. Its the only scent I have seen a definite difference in getting fish to bite. I cant say I catch more fish, but after trying all sorts of scents, the hot sauce was the only one that I would ever consider buying(if I had to).
I fish two different ways. I either palm the reel with my rod parallel to the water giving the line just a little slack, or I am holding the line with my hand above the reel with absolutely no slack in the line(more for pressure bite sensing). You definitely get bit way more than you think you do, and you dont know until you actually feel it with the line in between your fingers. I aquired this technique from Mike Gardner(author of "Fish Have No Hands") and once I started fishing this way I couldnt believe how many times I felt bites. I log all my fishing outings and I can tell you that from this time last year til now, my catch has went up 350%!! No joke.. I used to be happy with 2-3 fish per session. Now I laugh at it. When the fish are biting, I will palm the reel. When they are finicky, I use Mikes method.
I might not be a professional fisherman who has been doing this since I could walk, but from what I have learned in the last 3 years, putting it all together and spending plenty of time on the water has rewarded me with much better numbers, or at least action regardless of the numbers. I welcome everyone to try some swimgrubs, and to try fishing them the same way I do.
Freshwater testers
I am looking for 3 people who would like to volunteer some time in testing the swimgrubs in the freshwater environment. You must fish the lakes, rivers, streams, anything that doesnt have salt in it a minimum 3 times per week. If you are interested (or have any questions) please email me at tclures@hotmail.com letting me know where you fish, how often you fish, and when you would be able to come pick up some baits. I will choose my 3 testers on Sunday evening and you will be notified via email. I appreciate everyones help!
Monday, September 13, 2010
Meet and greet
Come say hello at Harbor Island in the grassy area across from the Hilton Hotel, I will be there from 6pm-8pm. You can check out our swimgrubs in person, and you just might end up with some :)
Sunday, September 12, 2010
Variety packs coming to an end
The "3 of each" variety dozen packs as well as the sample pack will no longer be available after September 30th. Hurry and stock up now!
Friday, September 10, 2010
Another victim of the aquamarine!

This 23" halibut was caught by Sonny Bihis today while using the aquamarine swimgrub! Can anyone catch a bigger one? Send in your photos to tclures@hotmail.com to be entered into this months photo contest. Nice fish Sonny!!!
Thursday, September 9, 2010
Potential ban on lead
Please take some time to submit your comments to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) opposing the proposed ban on lead in fishing tackle.
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
Bassin for breast cancer!

I have been wanting to have a get together for some fishing for quite some time now. A while back while experimenting with some colors, I thought of having a contest using only all pink swimgrubs. Then I figured what better title for it than Bassin' for Breast Cancer! Now that more people are aware of T&C Lures, I think its time we get this thing going. This contest will be at Harbor Island off the rocks on either October 6th, or October 20th from 7am - 11am, and the person with the biggest fish will be rewarded with 2 dozen swimgrubs of their choice. I will also be giving out prizes for any legal halibut caught with the pink (cotton candy pepper)swimgrubs. On top of that I will be giving away free sample packs of T&C swimgrubs(while supplies last)for those who want to try them out. The price for the pink baits are only $1 for 3 baits(6 baits maximum per person).
Please check back to THIS POST for an update on the actual date of event in about a week or so.
I would like to get an idea of how many people would like to sign up for this event so please email me at tclures@hotmail.com, and please use "BBC" as your subject. Please email me if you have any questions or suggestions :) Thanks everyone!
Night time chunker
This is just a taste of whats out there at night time while using the black widow swimgrub! I didnt catch this fish, my wife did. She doesnt like holding fish so I did the pose. She also caught a couple others and lost a couple more while myself and the rest of the guys practiced casting for an hour. The black widow has been my all time favorite night time bait for the last two years now, I dare anyone to try them! And no, this fish does not qualify for the monthly photo contest ;)
Sunday, September 5, 2010
Small Grubs

This is for the guys interested in the small grubs, we have been listening to you. I have a design ready for 2 styles of baby grubs.
One will be slightly larger than the average perch grubs, for those interested in catching slabs I guess. The other one is going to be super dinky with a stubby body for matching up with short shank hooks like the mosquitos. Most likely these will only available in single color styles since laminating such small baits is difficult.
The mold should be cut within a few weeks and then we'll have some samples for testers.
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
Photo contest winner!

I encourage everyone who has purchased T&C swimgrubs to take nice clear pics of their catch. A tape measurement is recommended but not required, it would make for some good bragging rights as well as maybe pursuade a decision ;)
Today begins a new month and a new contest. Lets see them photos!
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