
Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Update: T&C Lures, and a side view sneek peek :)

So it looks like T&C Lures will remain operational until at least the end of the year.  A couple of things have kept me from moving forward, both on the personal side, and the bait side. 

This week, I am testing my larger swimbaits.  They are very wide....  I like them, but they will require so much plastic for each one it may not be worth it to sell them unless I put a high price on them, and I dont really want to do that....  But we will see how they do.  I did a quick pour of each size for your viewing pleasure ;)

Not the greatest looking pours, or the greatest looking photo, but you have a better idea of how they look now.  I call them "Tubbo's" and the sizes in the photo are 5", 4", and 3". 

I have 3 prototypes finished but not molded.  After the molds are made, baits are poured and tested.  If they are satisfactory(to me) then I will post some pics.  If they are not, then its modification time all over again.